is Century Auctions’ online marketplace. View Auction sales listings and register to bid! This site will present all Century Auctions and Classified (Buy-Now) sales. Some sales are Century-run and some are Century-affiliated. Affiliated sales are managed by one of our North American Auction partners and may require registering and bidding through their specific websites. Just follow the easy links from for each sale and you will see what you need to do in each case.
With the launch of, Century Auctions is introducing Timed Auctions which are online, bidding styled sales and will complement our stable of upcoming Live/Online auctions. Watch for a growing slate of Timed Auctions held at regular intervals at our High River site or at Customer locations across North America.
Types of Sales:
Live Sales
Our live auction sales occur across North America as well as at our High River Alberta location. Most live sales include Online bidding options. Watch each listing to see what bidding options are associated with a specific sale.
Century Auction’s Live Auctions are in all cases, 100% Unreserved.
Timed sales are eBay-style sales where a sale end time is defined and bids are received up to that end-time. Century’s Timed Auctions include a “Soft-Close” feature that allows time extensions for each bid received to allow other watchers to respond to last-second bids. These extensions will be granted automatically at smaller increments until all bidding activity ceases and the winning bidder is declared.
Century’s Timed Auctions can involve sales of items on a Reserved or Unreserved basis. This information will be clearly communicated for each sale and for each sale item in a mixed sale.
For a Timed-Auction, the bidder has the choice to enter a Max Bid, or manually enter each bid as desired. Providing a MaxBid allows the Club Bid computers to only issue another bid up to your Maximum and not above on your behalf. If no other bidders beat your MaxBid, your high bid will be the next increment above the other buyers highest bid and you will win the auction.
Buy-Now Sales
Buy-Now sales are like Classified sales. A seller wants to get a specific price for the item and you just need to decide if you are prepared to pay that amount.
Credit Card Information:
All active members must maintain a valid credit card on your Club Bid account. A single $1.00 charge validates the card on file upon registration and again upon re-registration when a card expires or if a new card is registered. Having a valid credit card on file gives you access to bid online and at live events.
Always read and understand the Terms and Conditions of each sale. They can vary from sale-to-sale.